Apple and Samsung Set To Work on e-Sim Cards

Imagine you could use a phone without having to undergo the stress of swapping SIM cards,fascinating isn't it??

Well Apple & Samsung are working in coordination with the mobile carriers to help develop a new standard SIM card that could make it easier to switch between mobile carries.

According to a report on financial times, a new device called e-SIM which will remain embedded in the device will allow users to easily switch between network carriers, rather than being stuck with one carrier as we have now.This new standard is expected to be ready in 2016. Majority of service providers have shown interest in the new welcomed development;including AT&T,Vodafone,T mobile,Orange.

It ill be interesting to see how this e-SIM plays out, as some network providers aren't likely to welcome it.

What's your take on this? 

Do you think our service providers will agree to this?? 

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